WVMART Highlighted features:

l Full Source Code for B2B2C shopping mall

l Free installation and domain authorization, free upgrade and technical support

l Dedicated ticket system for seller and admin

l Multi-language support, including RTL

l In-house products and seller products option, and seller shop admin and dashboard

l Embed shipping country, state and cities list

l Affiliate system for marketing development and Club point for customers

l Coupon, Flash-sale and Discount features

l Option for B2B wholesale and digital downloading products

l Blog and newsletter as well as popup and alert messages

l Pickup point management

l Refund and wallet system available

l Staff role permission and user permission safety control

l Bulk import for products, category, customers, etc.

l Seller packages for surcharge with specified product quota and period

l Themes for each module and strong customization for each section

l Rich reports for admin, seller and users l Android APP and Apple APP available

Server Requirements:

  • PHP version 8.0 or higher

  • MySQL 8.0 or higher

  • mod_rewrite Apache

  • BCMath, Ctype, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, and ZipArchive PHP Extensions

These extensions are generally enabled by default on most servers, but it's advisable to confirm with your hosting provider.

Your purchasing order will include free installation, multi-language setting and demo data imports as well as annual unlimited upgrade and technical support.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure your server meets all the necessary requirements.
  • We will activate your system using the provided domain and site URL.
  • You can visit wvmart.com, and demo accounts for admin, seller and user i available if you need.

    Uploading Products from Admin:

    Product Information:


    1. Log in as an admin.
    2. Navigate to All Products from the left navigation bar.
    3. Click on Add New Product.
    4. Alternatively, click on Add New product from the left navbar.
    • General Part:
      • Enter the product name.
      • Select categories and a main category.
      • Choose a brand from the dropdown.
      • Specify the product unit (e.g., pc, kg, ltr).
      • Input the product weight in kg.
      • Set the product’s minimum purchase quantity.
      • Add tags (single/multiple words).
      • Input Barcode.
      • Enable or disable the Refundable switch.
      • Add a product description with images or videos.
      • Enable/disable Featured and Todays Deal.
      • Fill in the Flash Deal section:
        • Choose Flash title.
        • Insert discount amount.
        • Select discount type.
      • Fill in the VAT & TAX section:
        • Input TAX amount and select TAX type.
        • Input VAT amount and select VAT type.
    1. Click Save & Publish.

    Price & Stock Section:

    • Choose multiple colors by enabling the switch.

    • Select the attributes of the product and input the values for each attribute.

    • Enter the Unit price of the product.
    • Set the discount date range if applicable.
    • Add product discount:
      • Input the discount amount (put zero if not available).
      • Select “Flat” or “Percent” and insert the value.
    • Specify the quantity of the product.
    • Enter the SKU (Unit of product quantity).
    • Insert the External link (optional).
    • Define the External link button text (this button redirects to the external link).
    • Set the Low Stock Quantity.
    • Enable/disable switches for:
      • Show stock quantity
      • Show stock text only
      • Hide stock

    Click Save & Publish.

    ​​​​​​​SEO Section:

    • Write a title for the shared link.

    • Write a short description for the shared link.

    • Upload a single image.

    Click Save & Publish.

    Shipping Section:

    • Toggle on or off shipping information options:

      • Cash on delivery

      • Free shipping
      • Flat rate
      • Is product multiply
    • Set the estimated delivery time.

    Click Save & Publish.

    Becoming a Seller:

    To become a seller, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the section WVMART CMS website > Apply now.

    2. Register your shop by providing:

      • Your Name
      • Your Email
      • Your Password
      • Repeat Password
      • Shop Name
      • Address
    3. Click Register your shop.

    Uploading Products as a Seller:

    Follow these steps to upload products as a registered seller:

    1. Log in to your seller account.

    2. Navigate to the left navigation bar and click on Products.
    3. Click Add New Products from the top navigation bar.

    Product Information:

    • Fill in the following text fields:
      • Product Name
      • Brand
      • Unit
      • Weight
      • Minimum Purchase Qty
      • Tags
      • Barcode
      • Refundable switch (enable/disable)
    • Upload Images:
      • Main Images
      • Thumbnail Image
    • Add Videos:
      • Video From
      • Video URL
    1. Select multiple categories and a main category for the product.

    2. Fill out the Product Variation section:

      • Fill in Color options (can be enabled or disabled)
      • Add Attributes
    3. Fill out the Product Price section:

      • Unit price
      • Discount Date Range
      • Discount
      • Quantity
      • SKU
      • External link
      • External link button text
    4. Provide a product description.

    5. Upload the PDF Specification.

    6. Fill in the SEO Meta Tags.

    7. Frequently Brought:

      • To add products separately, choose Select Product and click Add More.
      • To add products category-wise, choose Select Category and select the category from the dropdown menu.
    8. Click Upload Product to finalize and upload the product.

    Setting Up Seller's Panel & Homepage:

    To set up the seller's panel and homepage, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the Seller panel.

    2. Navigate to Shop Setting.

    3. Input the following basic information:

      • Shop name
      • Shop logo
      • Shop phone
      • Shop address
      • Meta title
      • Meta description
      • Delivery boy pick-up point information
    4. Below the shop setting, locate the Banner Setting section.

    5. Here, you can add banners to customize and design your seller homepage according to your preferences.

    Translating Product Information in Multiple Languages:

    To translate product information for bulk products from the admin panel, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Products list from the admin panel navigation.

    2. Click on the edit icon next to the product you want to translate.
    3. The product is currently displayed in the default language. To translate it into another language, select your desired language.
    4. Translate the product’s name, unit, and description. (Note: Other information is not translatable)
    5. Click Save to apply the translations.

    How to Purchase Products:

    There are two methods to purchase products:

    1. Direct Purchase without Entering Product Details Page:

    • Click on the cart icon on the product box.
    • A pop-up will display with a quick view of the product.
    • Select any available options and specify the quantity.
    • Click Add to cart.
    • Another pop-up will appear with options to either "Back to shopping" or "Proceed to checkout". Choose Proceed to checkout.
    • Your cart summary will be displayed. Click Continue to shipping.
    • If you're a registered user, your name and email address will be pre-filled. Enter your address, city, postal code, and phone number. Click Continue to payment.
    • Choose a payment gateway from the options provided and click Complete order.
    • Enter the necessary payment details and proceed to pay.
    • If you've selected cash on delivery as the payment method, the page will reload, confirming that the order has been successfully placed.

    2. Purchase from Product Details Page:

    • Click on the product title to navigate to the product details page.
    • Here, you can review all the product information and add the product to your cart.
    • You also have the option to add the product to your wishlist or compare list.
    • Follow the steps mentioned above to proceed with the purchase.

    How Can a Customer Follow Any Seller:

    A customer can follow any seller by following these steps:

    • From the homepage, visit any store.

    • Locate the option Follow Seller and click on it.

    How to Set Up a Website:

    General Procedure:

    • Log in as an admin.
    • Navigate to Website Setup from the left navigation.
    • Select the desired Homepage layout (Classic, Metro, Minima, or Megamart).
    • Click on Save.

    1. Classic Layout Homepage Setup:

    • Home slider: Add multiple images, and add links if needed.
    • Today's Deal: Add banners for large and small devices, set background and text colors.
    • Home Banner levels 1-3: Add and update banners.
    • Coupon Section: Set background color, title, and subtitle.
    • Category-wise product: Add section for category-wise products.
    • Classified Banner: Upload banners for large and small devices.
    • Top-Brand: Select up to 12 brands.

    2. Metro Layout Homepage Setup:

    • Home slider: Add multiple images and links.
    • Flash Deals: Set background color, and text color options.
    • Today's Deal: Add banners for large and small devices, set background and text colors.
    • Home Banner levels 1-3: Add and update banners.
    • Coupon Section: Set background image and color, title, and subtitle.
    • Category-wise product: Add section for category-wise products.
    • Classified Banner: Upload banners for large and small devices.
    • Top-Brand: Select up to 12 brands.

    3. Minima Layout Homepage Setup:

    • Home slider: Add images, titles, and subtitles.
    • Flash Deals, Today's Deal, and New Products: Set background images, titles, subtitles, and text colors.
    • Home Banner levels 1-3: Add and update banners.
    • Coupon Section: Set background color, title, and subtitle.
    • Category-wise product: Add section for category-wise products.
    • Classified Banner: Upload banners for large and small devices.
    • Top-Brand: Select up to 12 brands.

    4. Megamart Layout Homepage Setup:

    • Home slider: Add images, and set full-width options with color.
    • Flash Deals: Set background color and text color options.
    • Today's Deal: Add banners for large and small devices, set background and text colors.
    • Home Banner levels 1-6: Add and update banners.
    • Top-Brand: Select up to 12 brands.
    • Auction Products: Add a banner for auction products.
    • Coupon Section: Set background image and color, title, and subtitle.
    • Classified Banner: Upload banners for large and small devices.
    • Category-wise product: Add section for category-wise products.

    This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up different homepage layouts for the website

    How to Set Up the Header Part:

    To configure the header, follow these steps:

    • Log in as an Admin.

    • Navigate to Website Setup > Header.
    • Header settings:
      • Upload Header logo.
      • Toggle Show Language Switcher on/off.
      • Toggle Show Currency Switcher on/off.
      • Toggle Enable sticky header on/off.
        • Insert Topbar Banner for large, medium, and small devices.
        • Insert the Topbar Banner Link.
        • Insert the Helpline number.
        • Select Header Nav Menu Text Color (Dark or light).
        • Add Header Nav Menu.
      • Click on the Update button.

    How to Set Up the Footer Part:

    To configure the footer:

    • Log in as an admin.
    • Navigate to Website Setup > Footer.
    • Select footer language.
    • Footer Widget: Add Title and description.
    • About Widget:
      • Insert Footer logo.
      • Add Description.
      • Add Play Store Link and App Store Link.
    • Contact Info Widget:
      • Insert Contact address.
      • Insert Contact Phone.
      • Insert Contact email.
    • Link Widget One:
      • Insert Title and Links.
    • Footer Bottom:
      • Insert Copyright Text.
    • Social Link Widget:
      • Toggle Show Social Links.
      • Add social links for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
    • Add Seller app & Delivery boy apps with links.
    • Payment Methods Widget: Upload files of payment methods.
    • Click on the Update button.

    How to Set Up the Policy Pages Part:

    To manage policy pages:

    • Log in as an Admin.

    • Navigate to Website setup > Pages.
    • Edit, add, or delete any page using the action button.

    How to Set Up the Appearance of the Website:

    To adjust the website appearance:

    • Log in as an Admin.

    • Navigate to Website Setup > Appearance.
    • System settings:
      • Fill in System Name, Frontend Website Name, Site Motto.
      • Select Site Icon, System logo white, System logo Black, System Timezone.
    • General settings:
      • Select Website Base Color, Website Base Hover Color, Website Secondary Base Color, Website Secondary Base Hover Color.
      • Insert Flash Deal Page banners.
    • Global SEO:
      • Fill in Meta Title, Meta Description, Keywords, Meta Image.
    • Cookies Agreement:
      • Insert Cookies Agreement Text.
      • Toggle Show Cookies Agreement.
    • Website Popup:
      • Toggle Show website popup.
      • Insert Popup content.
      • Toggle Show Subscriber form.
    • Custom Script:
      • Insert Header custom script and Footer custom script.
    • Click on the Update button.

    How to Create a Flash Deal:

    To create a flash deal:

    • Log in to the admin panel.

    • Go to Marketing > Flash Deals.
    • Click on Create New Flash Deal.
      • Insert Title, Banner, Date, Products.
    • Click the Save button.

    How to Add a New Post from the Blog System:

    To add a new blog post:

    • Log in to the admin panel.

    • Go to Blog System.
    • Add blog category:
      • Go to Blog system > categories.
      • Click on Add new category, insert name and save.
    • Add blog post:
      • Click Add New Post.
      • Insert Blog Title, Category, Slug, Banner, Short Description, Description, Meta Title, Meta Image, Meta Description, Meta Keywords.
    • Click the Save button.

    How to Manage Orders:

    Admins can handle orders by:

    • Logging into the Admin panel.

    • Clicking on Sales from the left navbar. Here, admins can view All orders, In-house orders, Sellers orders, and Pick-up points orders.
      • Order list page: Provides order code, product count, customer name, amount, delivery status, payment status, & refund.
      • Actions button: Offers view, invoice download, and delete options.
        • View: Enables admins to see order details and modify payment & delivery status.

    How to Manage Sellers:

    Admins can oversee sellers by:

    • Logging in as an admin.

    • Navigating to Sellers > All Seller.
    • Using the Option action button to:
      • Check Sellers Profile.
      • Log in as a seller.
      • Process payments (clear due).
      • View Payment history.
      • Edit or Delete seller info.

    How to See Customer Info:

    Admins can view and manage customers by:

    • Going to Customers > Customer List from the admin panel navigation.

    • Seeing a list of registered customers, displaying names & email addresses.
    • Options to Login as a customer, Ban, or Delete a customer.
    • Ability to check customer’s classified products and classified packages.

    How to Send a Newsletter:

    To dispatch a newsletter:

    • Navigate to Marketing > Newsletter.

    • Select user’s email or subscriber email or both.
    • Insert sender email address.
    • Input newsletter subject.
    • Compose the content, adding images, links, videos, tables, or text formatting as required.
    • Click Send.

    How to Configure Payment Methods:

    To set up payment methods:

    • Log in to the admin panel.
    • Navigate to Setup And Configuration -> Features Activation.
    • In the Payment Related section, activate desired methods.
    • Go to Setup And Configurations -> Payment method.
    • Input required details for each method:
      • Paypal: Client ID, Client secret, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Stripe: Key, secret, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Mercadopago: Key, Access, Currency.
      • Bkash: App Key, App Secret, Username, Password, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Nagad: Mode, Merchant ID, Merchant Number, Public Key, Private Key.
      • SSlCommerz: Store ID, Store password, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Aamarpay: Store Id, signature key, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Iyzico: API key, Secret key, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Instamojo: API key, Auth token, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Paystack: Public key, Secret key, Merchant email.
      • RazorPay: Key, Secret.
      • Voguepay: Merchant id, switch off sandbox mode.
      • Payhere: Merchant ID, secret key, currency, sandbox mode.
      • Ngenius: Outlet ID, APK, currency.
      • Authorize Net: MERCHANT_LOGIN_ID, MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_KEY, sandbox mode.

    How to Configure the SMTP System?

    To set up the SMTP system, follow these steps:

    1. If you’re using cPanel, follow this link.

    2. Create an email from your server panel.
    3. After creating an email account, navigate to WVMART eCommerce admin Dashboard > Setup And Configuration > SMTP settings.
    4. Fill in the form with the following details:
      • MAIL DRIVER: smtp
      • MAIL HOST: your domain SMTP host (e.g., smtp.yourdomain.com)
      • MAIL PORT: 587/465
      • MAIL USERNAME: Your email id
      • MAIL PASSWORD: Your email password
      • MAIL ENCRYPTION: ssl/tls
      • MAIL FROM ADDRESS: Your mail address
      • MAIL FROM NAME: Your shop name

    How to Configure Facebook Login API?

    Follow these steps to configure Facebook login API:

    1. Log in to Facebook Developer using your Facebook email and password.
    2. Click on My App and then Add New App.
    3. Name your app and click Create App ID.
    4. It will redirect you to the App dashboard. Go to Settings > Basic.
    5. Set the App Domains and click Save Changes.
    6. Obtain the App ID and App Secret.
    7. Click on Products and select Facebook login.
    8. It will redirect you to Quick Settings. Select Web and enter your site URL.
    9. Save and go to Facebook login > Settings.
    10. Set the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs (e.g., https://example.com/social-login/facebook/callback) and click Save.
    11. In WVMART Ecommerce admin Dashboard > Setup & Configuration > Social media login, enter the App ID and App Secret for Facebook Login Credential.
    12. Click Save.

    How to Configure Facebook Pixel?

    To configure Facebook Pixel:

    1. Log in to your admin panel.

    2. Navigate to Setup And Configuration > Google > Analytics Tool.
    3. Turn on the Facebook pixel switch.
    4. Enter the Pixel ID.
      • To find your pixel ID, log in to Facebook, go to Ads Manager, select Events Manager, and locate your pixel ID.

    How to Configure Google Login API?

    Follow these steps to configure Google login API:

    1. Visit Google Identity.

    2. Click Configure A Project.
    3. Name your project and proceed.
    4. Configure OAuth client by selecting the web server and enter your Authorized redirect URIs (e.g., https://example.com/social-login/google/callback).
    5. Create and obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
    6. In WVMART  e-commerce CMS admin Dashboard > Setup & Configuration > Social media login, enter the Client ID and Client Secret for Google Login Credential.
    7. Click Save.

    How to Configure Twitter API?

    To configure the Twitter login API:

    1. Visit Twitter Developer.

    2. Click Create An App.
    3. Provide your application details.
    4. Set the callback URL to https://example.com/social-login/twitter/callback.
    5. Obtain the consumer key and consumer secret key.
    6. In WVMART ecommerce CMS admin Dashboard > Setup And Configuration > Social media login, enter the consumer key as Client ID and consumer secret key as Client Secret for Twitter Login Credential.
    7. Click Save.

    How to Configure Apple Login API?

    Follow these steps to configure Apple login:

    1. From the dashboard, visit Apple Developer to create an identifier.

    2. Choose Identifiers and App IDs from the left nav.
    3. Click the + icon to create an identifier.
    4. Set the Description and Bundle ID, select the Sign In with Apple capability.
    5. Continue with the steps to register and enable Sign in with Apple.
    6. Obtain your clientID.
    7. Set your domains and return URLs.
    8. To communicate with Apple's servers, create a key at Apple Developer.
    9. Download the key and store the Key ID.

    How to Configure Facebook Chat?

    1. Log into the admin panel and go to Setup & Configuration > Facebook chat.

    2. Enable Facebook chat and enter the page ID.

    3. Reload the homepage.

    How to Setup Currency?

    To set up currency:

    1. Navigate to Setup & configuration > Currency in the admin panel.

    2. Select the system default currency and save.
    3. Choose symbol format & no of decimals and save.

    How to Add a New Currency?

    1. Go to Setup & configuration > Currency in the admin panel.

    2. Click add new currency.

    3. Fill in the form with Name, Symbol, Code, exchange rate, and click save.

    How to Setup Language?

    To set up language:

    1. Go to admin navigation > Setup And Configuration > languages.

    2. Select system default Language and save.
    3. Click on add new language.
    4. Insert language name, code, and Flutter App Lang Code.
    5. Click save.

    How to Manage the Staff Panel?

    1. Log into the admin panel.

    2. Navigate to navigation > staffs.

    3. All Staffs: Edit staff information, change their role, or delete staff.
    4. Staff Permissions: Create roles and assign accessible sections.

    How to Manage Your Wallet?

    To manage the wallet:

    1. Log in to Customer panel.

    2. Navigate to My Wallet.
    3. Recharge Wallet: Recharge money from PayPal, Stripe, or other payment gateways.
    4. Offline Recharge Wallet: Insert Amount, Transaction ID, and photo.

    How to Create a Coupon?

    1. Log into the admin panel and go to Marketing > Coupon.

    2. Click on Add New Coupon.

    3. Select Coupon type and fill in the required details.

    How to Use a Coupon?

    Before selecting the “SELECT PAYMENT OPTION”, apply COUPON to get a discount:

    1. Insert Coupon Code.

    2. Click Apply.

    How to Create a Package for Sellers?

    1. From the dashboard, go to Seller section and click on Seller Packages.

    2. You can create and edit a package for your store.

    How Can Seller Buy a Package ?

    1. From the Seller Dashboard, go to packages section.

    2. Seller can buy a package easily by selectig any of the packge.

    How Can a Customer Check Coupon for Any Store?

    1. From the homepage, go to top seller section and click on visit store.

    2. Click on Coupons to see all the available coupons for that store.

    How to Request Money Withdrawal as a Seller?

    1. Log in as a seller.

    2. Navigate to Money Withdraw.

    3. Click Send withdraw request.


    How to Pay Payment for Seller Withdrawal Requests as an Admin?

    1. Go to Sellers > Payout Requests.

    2. Click the Cash symbol.

    3. Change the withdrawal amount and select a payment method.
    4. Click pay to complete the payment.

    How to Enable Maintenance Mode?

    To enable maintenance mode:

    1. Navigate to Setup & Configuration > Features Activation from the Admin panel.
    2. Turn on the switch for maintenance mode.
    3. The frontend user will then see an under construction page.

    How to Create a Pickup Point?

    Follow these steps to create a pickup point:

    1. Enable pickup point activation from Setup & Configuration > Features Activation.
    2. Then, navigate to Setup & Configuration > Pickup point from the left navigation bar.
    3. Click on add new pickup point.
    4. Fill the form with Name, Location, Phone, Status, Manager, and hit the save button.
    5. Customers can now select a pickup point when making a purchase, and the pickup point manager will receive the order in their dashboard.

    How Does Customer Chat with a Seller Work?

    Here's how customer chat with a seller works:

    • Customers can inquire about a product directly to the seller.
    • If the seller is admin, the admin will receive the message for that product.
    • Customers need to log in to ask questions.

    • Sellers/admins can respond to questions from their panel.
    • Customers can view the answer in their panel under Conversations.
    • All messages will be visible to customers and sellers/admins under Conversations.

    How to Add Attribute for the System?

    To add an attribute for the system:

    1. Log in to the Admin Panel and navigate to Products > Attribute from the left sidebar.
    2. Add a new attribute and click Save.
    3. Edit attributes and add values as needed.

    How Does the Attribute Work?

    Attributes are used for product variations. For example, vendors can use attributes like storage (32GB, 64GB) when uploading mobile phones with different variations.

    What is the New Advanced Filter Option?

    The advanced filter option allows users to search for products using attribute values. For instance, users can filter products by attributes like storage (e.g., 32GB) to find specific items.

    How to Upload Bulk Products from the Admin Panel?

    To upload bulk products from the Admin Panel:

    1. Log in to the Admin Panel and go to Bulk Import under Products from the left sidebar.
    2. Download the CSV file template.
    3. Fill in product information like name, description, category ID, brand ID, unit price, etc., in the downloaded file.
    4. Upload the filled CSV file using the Upload product file option.

    How to Upload Bulk Products from the Seller Panel?

    To upload bulk products from the Seller Panel:

    1. Log in to the Seller Panel and go to Bulk Upload from the left sidebar.
    2. Download the CSV file template.
    3. Fill in product information like name, category ID, sub-category ID, brand ID, unit price, etc., in the downloaded file.
    4. Upload the filled CSV file using the provided form.

    How to Translate Using Google Translate?

    To translate using Google Translate:

    1. Go to Setup & Configuration -> Language -> Translation action.
    2. Translate the site using the Google Translate browser extension into your desired language.
    3. Use the extension to translate the page and click translate this page.

    Press the Copy Translations button and then click Save.

    Which Options Are Translatable in Multiple Languages?

    Several options are translatable in multiple languages, including:

    • Product: Name, Unit, Description.
    • Category: Name.
    • Sub Category: Name.
    • Sub Sub Category: Name.
    • Attribute: Name.
    • Brand: Name.
    • Customer Product: Name, Unit, Description.
    • Customer Package: Name.
    • Flash Deal Product: Title.
    • Pages: Page Title.
    • Pickup Point: Name, Location.
    • Role: Name.

    How to Configure bKash Payment Gateway?

    To configure the bKash payment gateway:

    1. Contact bKash authority to obtain API information.
    2. Turn on the bKash switch from the Admin panel: Setup & Configuration > Feature Activation > bKash Activation.
    3. Fill in the bKash API information from Setup & Configuration > Payment Method > bKash Credential.
    4. If the bKash API is in sandbox mode, turn on the sandbox switch. For live mode, turn off the sandbox switch.

    How to Configure the Nagad Payment Gateway?

    To configure the Nagad payment gateway:

    1. Contact Nagad authority to obtain API information.
    2. Turn on the Nagad switch from the Admin panel: Setup & Configuration > Feature Activation > Nagad Activation.
    3. Fill in the Nagad API information from Setup & Configuration > Payment Method > Nagad Credential.
    4. If the Nagad API is in sandbox mode, input "sandbox" in the NAGAD MODE field. For live mode, input "live".

    How to Manage Shipping for Products?

    To manage shipping for products:

    1. Log in as an admin.
    2. Go to Setup & Configurations > Shipping > Shipping Configuration.
    3. Enable your preferred shipping method from the available options.

    How to Configure Product-Wise Shipping Cost?

    To configure product-wise shipping costs:

    1. Go to Setup & Configuration > Shipping Configuration.
    2. Choose Product Wise Shipping Cost.
    3. Select one of the following options:
      • Free Shipping: No shipping cost added.
      • Flat Rate: Fixed shipping cost for every city.
      • Product Quantity Multiplication: Product quantity multiplied at purchase.

    How to Configure Flat Rate Shipping Cost?

    To configure flat rate shipping cost:

    1. Go to Setup & Configuration > Shipping Configuration.
    2. Choose Flat Rate Shipping Cost.

    How to Configure Seller-Wise Flat Shipping Cost?

    To configure seller-wise flat shipping cost:

    1. Go to Setup & Configuration > Shipping Configuration.
    2. Choose Seller Wise Shipping Cost.

    How to Configure City-Wise Flat Shipping Cost?

    To configure city-wise flat shipping cost:

    1. Go to Setup & Configuration > Shipping Configuration.
    2. Choose Area Wise Flat Shipping Cost.
    3. Add cities and their respective shipping costs.

    How to Enable Carrier Wise Shipping Costs?

    To enable carrier wise shipping costs:

    1. Log in as an admin.
    2. Go to Setup & Configurations > Shipping > Shipping Configuration.
    3. Choose Carrier Wise Shipping Cost.

    How to Add a New Shipping Carrier?

    To add a new shipping carrier:

    1. Go to Setup & Configurations > Shipping > Shipping Carrier > Add New Carrier.
    2. Fill in the carrier details like Name, Transit Time, Logo, Billing Type, and Ranges.
    3. Click Submit.


    How Can a Customer Choose a Carrier During the Checkout Process?

    During the checkout process, customers can choose a carrier on the delivery info page and continue to payment.

    Creating a Support Ticket:

    1. Customer Panel:
      • Log in to the customer panel.
      • Navigate to Support Ticket > Create a Ticket.
      • Provide a subject, detailed description, and optionally upload photos.
      • Click on the "Send Ticket" button to submit the ticket.

    Responding to Support Tickets:

    1. Admin Panel:
      • Log in to the admin panel.
      • Go to Support > Ticket > View Action.
      • Answer the customer's query with attachments, if necessary.
      • Choose to submit the response as Open, Pending, or Solved.

    By following these steps, customers can create support tickets, and admins can effectively respond to them to address customer queries and concerns.

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